- sleep. a couple times the first day apparently. {took two mini naps and then went to bed early, to be exact}. I could blame it on the fact that I am getting a cold... or it could just be all the serious face-time I had with many awesome people.
- take a break from blogging. ok, this wasn't in the plans. it simply happened and it just might have saved my sanity.
- eat delicious food. like these Black Beans and Rice. The mangoes and avocado are NOT optional. They seal the deal.
- do absolutely no baking {for at least a day}. Ok, so baking is a comfort thing for me. Not only do I love eating tasty things right from the oven... but the process of creating renews me. But after ALL THE BAKING I did last weekend, even I needed a break.
- sit in my new comfy chair. period. sit there without anyone needing me. perhaps devour an entire book in one sitting. and maybe it was a Christmas novel {that is only $1.99 today}. but just curl up and do whatever it is that makes me happy.
And our boys, they needed to recharge too- what did they need? Face-time with their Dad. They needed to enjoy his undivided attention and check out the cool new gifts Caleb got for his birthday.
How do you recharge?
Love the list!!! Sleep is a must! There was a time when baking was most definitely my go-to activity....if life was out of control, I could control a batch of chocolate chip cookies! Now I just need to be home, to have some time that is all my own, even if it's 5 -20 mins. To create, yes!! I'm needing these things right now as well, I slept in today. My scheule is, for the most part, my own. Two of my sick kids are staying at my mama's and I'm left with the two older kids....we may do a little Christmas shopping later on,I may take a long shower, and maybe bring a little tree out of the attic and find it a home <3 Down time is glorious!!!!! Oh and catching up on my favorite blogs is a must as well!!!!