we're four months in. we've already got a two year term under our belts. we made friends that first term {amazing friends} some of whom are still here. and so when we returned we knew people, we were coming back home. so why was I feeling so lost?
goodbye lunch with Vanessa 2013 |
remember that time I met my BFF online {
my side of the story here} {
and her side}? and we ended up spending every Thursday together for the first year? and how even now from Canada to Uganda our hearts still beat to the same rhythm? we knew her term was only two years. i knew she wasn't going to be here when we got back.
goodbyes stink, even when you do them well. but it was still sad to face reality on this side. she was the one i would text in the middle of the day when my kids did something hilarious. or the one I could call late at night when I needed prayer. and I miss her.
and so in some ways I felt like I was starting all over. and then as I thought about it God brought to mind all the lovelies who are still here and the new friends I am beginning to make. and God reminded me- if He was able to do it once, He can do it again. He has friends in mind for me. and He also reminded me that loneliness is ok if I allow it to push me closer to His heart. and that He is here. always.
Oasis ladies, new teammate, old friend, new friends |
and then there was the moment I heard
this lady was moving from Indonesia to Kampala! and i wondered if we would become friends. and we met for coffee. our boys played. and then we decided to start meeting for weekly Bible study with two other ladies who were new to Kampala. and friendship began to blossom. we meet at our favorite pizza place for Ladies Night Out {with kids, when any one of our husbands are traveling}. and our boys say "That was the funnest night I ever had" and "I never laughed so hard I couldn't breathe before" and "I really like that family".
but it's still hovering around the surface til that one day we got real and discussed our core issues and it tumbles out that we. need. each. other. and walls come down. and text messages start flying. and we discover we may have just found what we are looking for.
Two great posts that have really encouraged me lately:
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