Thursday, December 28, 2017

It's All So Hard...

tumultuous. torrential. the tears keep falling. like a river down my cheeks. it's all so hard.

sick kids on Christmas Eve. missing family and friends back home. missing the family that used to serve alongside us here in Uganda. parenting a two-year-old.  grieving with friends who are walking a dark path. I'm carrying the weight of grief like a shroud. it's heavy. and exhausting.

it's all so hard...

and so I curl up in the lap of the One who knows. the One who never leaves. and He whispers tender and strong: "come, weary one, with your heavy burden and I will give you rest. take Me yoke upon you and learn from Me. for I am gentle and humble in heart... roll that heavy burden on My strong back. I never intended you to carry it alone. Share it with Me, and with trusted friends who will lift you up. light a candle. remember that the darkness won't win. and one glorious day all will be made right. keep longing for that day. this world is not your home."

In the background I overhear the kids' advent album- and take a deep breath. it's not all magically fixed. but I'm feeling the pain, not jumping ahead to the hunt for the silver lining. and this is progress.

these quiet days between Christmas and New Year are perfect for letting Him in. don't miss the gifts of solitude and slow, of pain and grief. where are you at the close of this year? how can I help carry your burden? we're in this together. and He has already won.

1 comment:

  1. I know how maintaining a close relationship with Jesus can bring peace in the midst of chaos. Thank you for sharing. If you want a prayer request, anxiety over upcoming changes at work. Or the source of the chaos, that he would find the proper meds and Jesus.


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