Wednesday, July 22, 2009

One Thousand Gifts...

holy experience

Although it isn't Monday, Ann @holy experience changed her button! And I am happy to link to her delightfully inspiring and often challenging blog! I'm sorry for my recent lack of gratitude... it is partly due to traveling and not remembering to blog before we leave, and it is partially due to my not paying attention to His countless gifts! Thanks for extending grace!

Since we moved I can't seem to find my gratitude notebook anywhere- I am still grateful, just not keeping count right now! Today I am grateful for the gifts of:

- Missional churches and the people that are part of them! (First UMC and Sharptown most recently, Thanks Nina and Mike Bill!)
- Seth sleeping through the night consistently (even though last night was rough)!!!
- Uncle Mark and Caleb chilling together watching Sesame Street :)
- Parents close enough to help with the boys
- Mini ground beef and veggie meatloaves- delicious!!!
- God's Word that never fails!
- A super successful "goodsearch" find that helped me outline all my sermons for Middler Camp (August 16-22, I'll be preaching each evening at 7:30 at Delanco Camp)!
- Fresh blackberries
- Missions Marathon at Bethel Park Camp Meeting and the encouraging letter written by one of the youth campers
- a note from a dear friend

What brings you joy and hope today? How can you cultivate a grateful heart?

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