Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Where I've seen Jesus this Season.

Finding Christ in Christmas: Where I've seen Jesus this Season. Joining Ann @aholyexperience today, sharing where I've seen Jesus. He doesn't look quite like I pictured Him. And I haven't been treating Him the way He deserves to be treated.

At Bible study we've been examining our hearts- giving Him our all. And the other week our focus was loving Him with all our hearts. And isn't that what this season is all about? Loving the One who gave all to come, the One who promises to return again? As I sat in His presence the other day, I asked Him-

What does loving You with all my heart look like?
And He answered clear as a bell... "I'm telling the solemn truth: Wherever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was Me- you did it to Me." -Matthew 25:37-40 The Message

And I saw Him. Overlooked and ignored. She wears white hair, and hobbles around this house. She is out of breath. She rides her chair lift down the stairs each morning. There is often negativity on her tongue- which makes me want to ignore her. And yet, Jesus wants me to see Him... locked up inside a dying body... calling for my time, help and love. If I am impatient or annoyed- it is toward Him. That isn't how I want to respond to my dear Savior. And so I shouldn't respond to her that way either.

I took the time to apologize yesterday. For failing to love her, even while I am serving her. And I heard myself talking to Him. Daily I fail to love Him, even while I am busy serving Him. What does He look like to you this season? Where have you seen Him? How are you treating Him?

holy experience

1 comment:

  1. "Daily I fail to love Him even while I am busy serving Him." Wow. Those words ring so true and are such a powerful reminder of what is the most important thing: Loving Jesus even in unloveable people!


Thanks for joining the conversation!