Tuesday, March 20, 2012

midnight joy

Friday night 45 women made the trek up our hill for a Ladies Sleepover (which ought to have been named an "all-nighter", as no sleep was had).  It was a glorious night of fellowship, food, dancing, laughter, testimony, games, prayer, worship, and time in the Word .  I love spending time with these sweet ladies!

--loud and lovely ladies
--pure and wholesome fun

 --prize for bringing the most friends this semester
--Your Word, a true gift

--moments of prayer
--quietly sitting at the feet of Jesus
--Your presence here among us

--midnight snacking
--beautiful smiles
--common ground

--breakfast set before us
--african chai after a long night
--sweet ladies offering to stay and sweep, mop, do dishes!  they didn't leave a mess!
--three hours rest before my guys got home!

--how you carried us in the night- happily spent for you
--this big house we keep filling
--Your name lifted high
--Your joy evident on every face


  1. beautiful!!! oh... so beautiful... made my eyes leaky! Looks like an amazing time together!

  2. (I'm in East Texas where authentic Mexican food is available...I was introduced to goat meat tacos when they were served at a book club meeting: "Robinson Crusoe". Now I'm afraid I'm hooked:)

    Thanks for your kind words. What a blessing to pop over and read this post. Every blessing as you enjoy today!


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