Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday with God

Monday, 21 May 2012

5:30am- i wake coughing.  but it's the Lord's gentle nudging.  come.  be alone with Me.
6:30am- the boys sneak downstairs for some morning snuggles.  i welcome them.  we snuggle.  then i go get Josh- it's his turn for morning duty.
7:00am- i take my african chai to the balcony.  and keep company with Jesus.  He speaks.  i listen.
8:00am- praise music flows from the ipod.  i spread my calendar and agenda before Him.  we figure out the to do list, He and i.
8:15am- Josh comes up and joins me.  we discuss the slow week before us.
9:00am- i get to the computer and blog and email and feel productive.  He is helping me!
11:30am- Josh leaves to get the boys.  i finish up my posts for the week.
12:15pm- Josh gets a call.  there is an emergency at the palace (where we do university ministry).  he makes a few more phone calls.  two of our student leaders have been taken downtown to court.  this is spiritual attack.  Seth cries out- he banged his finger.  Josh heads down to the palace.  he decides to walk- i wonder if he needs those moments to pray up before he arrives.
12:30pm- seth bangs his poor finger again.  i snuggle him and i pray for Josh and the palace and victory over darkness.
1:00pm- i make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  and we hear the call to prayer- Caleb calls from the dining room- "mommy, let's pray for the men who pray at night (aka muslims)." So we pray for the muslims to come to know the True God.  And we pray for Daddy and all the university students. 
1:20pm- Josh calls.  apparently a neighbor doesn't like the ministry taking place at the palace and has been complaining about the noise level of their prayer nights and other weekly activities.  she's gotten the City Council involved.  but Josh said that our lawyer sent someone down to help the guys in court.  we wait.  we pray.
1:50pm- we print some coloring pages for rest time and i send the boys to their room.  i need some lunch with Jesus. 
2:15pm- Josh comes home with a package and a Family Fun magazine.  i enjoy some downtime while the boys rest. 
3:00pm- Josh gets Rachel from school.  i figure out what i'm going to do about dinner since i haven't gotten to the grocery store yet!  might be rice and beans.  thankful i have beans in the freezer and rice in the pantry.  write my grocery list.
3:15pm- didn't get that list written. went to play outside with the dog.
3:45pm- Josh and Rachel got home.  boys asked Rachel to watch Veggie Tales with them.  i thanked Jesus for Rachel.  then made an afternoon snack for my guys.  these. i always have the ingredients on hand.
4:30pm- they need 300,000 UGX per person bail bond.  Emmy Mugisha is with them.  he says they are in good spirits. I'm glad the guys have each other.
5:00pm- start dinner. Josh gets a call.  they don't have time to get to the bank to pay the charges there.  When they returned from the bank, the man to receive the payment receipt had already left.  Seems it was intentional. the guys will have to spend the night in jail.  ugh.  keep praying.  get the boys praying.  get facebook friends praying.
6:00pm-say grace. pray for the guys. eat dinner.
6:30pm- Seth is tired.  Bathe the boys.  Seth poops in the potty- praise the Lord for a small answer to prayer! Josh rallies prayer warriors to meet at the palace at 8pm.
7:00pm- Read the boys a story.  Pray for a good night (for everyone).  Think about joining Josh for the prayer vigil.  But then wonder, "if we both go, will Satan shift his attacks toward our boys??"
7:30pm- Head downstairs and tell Josh I don't think I should go.  He had already been wondering, "if we both go, will Satan increase his attacks and we could all go to prison??"

So here I sit.  At the end of my day with God.  Alone with Him.  Fighting the hardest battle we've had lately.  Who would have thought this is where I'd be today??


  1. What a journey. Thanks, though, for posting it so that we can all understand. Prayers tonight!

  2. I've been wrestling a little with the enemy myself. I think his attacks are much more subtle over here in the states – I'm guessing he's much more obvious and direct where you are. so much going on with you – and your husband – and your work – and yet your family is woven through it all – and your post begins and ends with your mama heart. I just finished praying for your battles with the Evil One. God bless and keep you and all of yours Kelly.


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