...about this one shot... Ever just have too many sweet photos... too many things to give thanks for? That is the trouble I get myself into when I fail to post my gratitude blog the week before! I echo the psalmist this afternoon "my heart overflows with a good theme..."
{gifts #6619-6635}
6619. these two sweet nephews
6620. juicy faces and fingers
6621. delicious watermelon
6622. sticky smiles
6623. squinchy eyes
6624. seeing this woman in action
6625. time with lovely ladies
6626. this gorgeous country
6627. the gifts and graces He has given each one of us
6628. stove-top s'mores
6629. really homemade... like we made the graham crackers
6630. gooey, sticky deliciousness
6631. making a memory with my boys
6632. meeting up with friends
6633. farmer's market in Uganda
6634. that belly, those sunglasses, that drink, her smile
6635. happy Saturday morning

Those boys are too cute! Are you in Uganda now? My niece and nephew were adopted from there.