Oh, the devil must be stomping his feet in rage right now. God is renewing a love for prayer, His word, and for His people in my heart! Just this weekend I started a Good Morning Girls group, and today's passage is Colossians 1:1-4 where Paul shared that he always gave thanks for the church in Colosse when he prayed for them, and how he had heard about their love for all God's people. Conviction! Am I a praying person? Is love for God's people one of the defining qualities of my life? Am I faithfully in the Word?
I started Oasis for other international women and we had 15 ladies at my house on Saturday morning for fellowship and prayer. It was such a sweet time, and I am so grateful He is cultivating this community where I can belong. And we had a few couples from Heritage over for pizza and wii, which was a blast! He is bringing people into our lives to walk this path with us! Praise Him! And I am continuing to read Godspeed, which is such a blessing and a challenge to truly love people into the kingdom.
today I am grateful for the gifts of community:
6799. the team here from Ireland
6800. being a small part of the ministry they did
6801. 1200 children reached with the gospel
6802. Your hand of comfort when we say goodbye
6803. this lovely gathering of women
6804. sharing our hearts
6805. tea and fellowship- a comfort and a joy
6806. knowing we are not alone.
6807. new friends
6808. laughter over pizza
6809. fun on a Saturday night
6810. a new community of women
6811. the treasure of Your word
6812. we are Yours. in You and in each other.

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