People come to tea in the midst of the mess. We share stories. She doesn't mind the mess. The menu is written, but we find out we're hosting an out-of-town guest for dinner today and lunch tomorrow and the whole team for BBQ for dinner that night (don't worry we found out before the weekend, not today!).
Just because we live in the crazy, doesn't mean we give up planning. In fact, if we fail to plan we are at the mercy of the crazy.
I don't know where you fall on the organization spectrum- "I need a plan just to breathe"... or ... "plan? what plan?" But today I want you to loosen up if you're on the scheduled end of things, and I want you to think about a plan if you're on the unscheduled end.
Here's what works for me (and it won't work for everyone)- I plan everything out. But I hold my plan loosely. If things come up, I move on to Plan B. In fact, since moving to Africa, Plan B and I have become really good friends. He's not such a bad guy after all!
Missions won't just happen. You have to be intentional. So if that means you need to write it down- do it! If you forget to pray for missionaries, add them to your prayer list. If you don't have a prayer list (I don't)- maybe there is some place you can put a missionary prayer card so when you see it you remember they exist and probably need your prayer!
How will you make sure missions happens this week? Stay tuned, we're going to start discussing ways to begin living a transformational lifestyle, not just add one more thing to you to do list!
Today I am thankful for:
-plan B's
-menu plans
-dinner guests
-calendar squares not all full
-the fruit of a life abiding

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