Wednesday, April 03, 2013


With so much to do, so many people to see, emotional processing to happen- I just don't even know where to start on most days.  I could pack something, sort something, bake something, see someone, list something... but all that doesn't matter if He isn't in it. 

I just need some help.  And guess what- He's it!  He fills that need with Himself.  Just today I was reading in John 14... and doesn't He even call Himself our Helper!?  Amazing. 

"And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever... He dwells with you and will be in you..." -John 14:16-17

I don't just want to count down the days until we leave.  I want these days to count.  And He promises to help me!  I'm so glad I'm not doing this on my own.  This Helper isn't some external force or a magical add-on.  He doesn't just breeze in, fix my problems, and move on like some Fairy Godmother.  He dwells.  He abides.  He stays. 

I'm sure I'm not the only one who needs a little help today.  And guess what- He isn't just a little help- He is THE HELPER!  Take heart today.  Grab His hand and tackle whatever lies before you.

God is my refuge and strength
A very present help in trouble...
God is in the midst of her, 
She shall not be moved;
God shall help her,
just at the break of dawn...
The Lord of hosts is with me...
Be still, and know that He is God...

-Psalm 46 (excerpted and personalized)

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! What a great reminder that God is not merely "the help" but "The Helper", that He doesn't wave a magical wand and then woosh away, but He abides, within and He never leaves or forsakes us!!

    I'm praying for peace for you today. That God would direct your list, your jobs, your mind and your heart!

    Know that He gives you enough hours in the day to accomplish what HE wants you to accomplish! I'm praying that you are able to align your list with His and work seamlessly until the jobs are complete <3

    Love you friend!!


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