Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Two Worlds

There is a dichotomy in these days which is striking. I feel as though I am constantly living in two worlds. There is baby world and big kid world. There is missionary world and mama world. There is a sweet contentment in trusting His timing and a holy discontent to be back in Uganda. It is not all easy, nor do I excel in all of these areas... but I am trying to see the beauty in each world and savor each season.

even though it's Wednesday, I'm counting gifts- grateful for every facet of this crazy, wonderful life He has called me to today:

#7556. big boys and baby girl
#7557. big shoes and tiny socks
#7558. learning to bike without training wheels and learning to roll over

#7559. math wraps and pacifier

#7560. Batman and pink purse
#7561. Lego sets and teething toys
#7562. singing from the kitchen table and happy coos from the living room floor

#7563. growing hands getting their own breakfast and chubby fingers around Sophie

#7564. happily crunching on Lucky Charms and still needing mama's milk
#7565. chapter books and board books

#7566. rocking babies and writing newsletters
#7567. easy, worry-free driving and a calling on our lives
#7568. sidewalks and dirt roads

#7569. spring flowers and palm trees
#7570. family nearby and co-workers on the front-lines
#7571. play-dates with friends and lunch meetings with pastors


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