Sunday, December 17, 2006


So Caleb has been here for two and a half weeks now and we love him more than ever... but the new baby novelty has somewhat worn off. It isn't as easy to be pleasant when he doesn't want to sleep at 2am... it isn't as bearable to be up with him while he fusses at 5am...and the tears come all too easily when I just can't figure out how to make him happy. These are all too common occurrences among every new mother- so I don't feel alone in my plight! There are definitely moments of sheer joy as he turns toward me when he hears my voice, or when he just stares into my eyes as he eats. His face is still angelic while he sleeps, and his fingers still wrap snuggly around mine. I love being a mom... I'm just tired today.

Thankfully, I was able to go to church for the first time today- such a refreshment for my spirit and my social self. I got teary as we sang "You are my supply, my breath of life, still more awesome than I know. You are my reward, worth living for, still more awesome than I know. And all of You is more than enough for, all of me for every thirst and every need, You satisfy me and all I have in You is more than enough." He is enough, and I cling to that promise every minute these days!

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, do you guys have an exercise ball? I remember many times holding Isaac in the middle of the night and sitting bouncing on the exercise ball. It would never fail to calm him down. All babies are different though. Good luck!


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