Monday, July 28, 2008

Turned Upside Down!

We are so happy that Seth has arrived, but he has certainly turned our world upside down! After 18 months of getting to know Caleb, we were getting comfortable with parenting one child. Seth is a whole new person to get to know- and he isn't always happy about life (see left), so we are figuring out how to make his new life more comfortable as he learns how his body works and uses all his energy to grow.

The other side effect we weren't quite ready for, was that Seth's entry to our family would throw Caleb into his terrible twos early! He won't be two until November 30- but he is already defying our authority and has begun to throw tantrums when he isn't happy about something. We are very grateful that this behavior is all directed toward us as his parents- he loves Seth to pieces and is very precious and sweet to his baby brother (see right).

We have also been wrestling with our call to missions... we know God has placed a burden on our hearts to serve in Uganda someday... we just aren't exactly sure when. Lots of options have presented themselves and we are just trusting God to lead. Meanwhile, we are happy to stay at Trinity and wait on His timing. It is so easy for me to doubt God's leading when things are crazy and confusing, and I am at the mercy of post-partum hormones... but as I was reading in "My Utmost for His Highest" I came across this reminder as the disciples realized that they didn't quite get what Jesus was saying and He rebuked them saying "O Ye of little faith" What a pang must have gone through the disciples - "Missed it again!" And what a pang will go through us when we suddenly realize that we might have produced downright joy in the heart of Jesus by remaining absolutely confident in Him, no matter what was ahead." -August 12 passage, My Utmost for His Highest

In these crazy and confusing times, I am choosing to remain absolutely confident in Him, no matter what lies ahead! He is good and He is faithful- what is there to fear?

1 comment:

  1. Your new little one is so precious, I am sure your loving the time spent with your growing family! I also know it's alot of hard work, you go mom!

    Your friend,



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