Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Beautiful Life...?!

"The colored sunsets and starry heavens, the beautiful mountains and the shining seas, the fragrant woods and painted flowers, are not half so beautiful as a soul that is serving Jesus out of love, in the wear and tear of common, un-poetic life." -Faber

This was just the word from Jesus I needed to hear this morning.... there is nothing more common and un-poetic than tending sick children in the night! And it leaves me exhausted and easily frustrated this morning... but Jesus has this sweet way of coming to my aid and giving me fresh perspective on this task of mothering that often gets bogged down in the mundane! He is too good to me!

Poor Caleb is coughing up a storm and Seth is quite congested. I am coughing too, but mostly I'm just tired. And the real sad part about it all, is that I don't think we will be feeling better in time for MOPS on Friday! And so then we have to wait until December 14 for the next one :( Sad day! I didn't realize how much I live for MOPS- the fellowship of women united under one common purpose of mothering young children- the break from the everyday- the delicious snacks... But somehow we will survive! And I am assured of one thing- that Jesus looks down on my home today with a smile on His face as I go about the daily tasks of mothering my two sick boys! I am so grateful for His encouragement, and His strength!

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