Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No Power...

Caleb sitting in the dark during a power outage.
So, the other day our power went out... no we aren't in Uganda yet, something just went haywire with our power lines in Clayton! I've been meaning to blog about that moment for some days now, and couldn't find the time or the words. But I've come to really cherish the quite dark minutes we spent without power- because they point me to the inward reality of our Christian lives without prayer!

This past week we were at headquarters for training, and I came to see how desperately we need prayer and how WGM really believes in the power of prayer. In their main building there is a screen that scrolls through their missionary, MK, and staff prayer focus of the day. Hearing President Hubert Harriman come before the Father on our behalf was amazing. You can just tell that he spends much time in His presence. And during one session we split into pairs to share a prayer request and pray with each other, and I was so blessed to share that time with Jamie! And then there are the logistical details and I have to say that just the thought of filling out expense reports sends me to my knees! Now that we are home we get many prayer requests on behalf of our new WGM family- it is so cool to be connected around the world!

During one session, Frank gave an illustration using a rubber band with four strings tied around it, and our goal was to use the strings to stretch the rubber band around a paper cup, and then to move paper cups into a pyramid. It was a great picture of how we (the rubber band) cannot do anything of worth on the mission field, unless our prayer partners (the strings) are praying. Only then will we have the strength and the power to build God's kingdom!

So today God's challenge to me (and to you): are you spending sufficient time in prayer? Do you understand the power that lies at your disposal if you would just align yourself with God's will and pray as He leads? And will you take that power and use it wisely and faithfully on behalf of those you love and those you serve?

On my knees,

1 comment:

  1. I, too, enjoyed the time praying with you. I continue to lift up your boys, even though the situation looks different. Thanks for the challenge today...I do need to spend much more time in prayer, and I invite you to ask me about that to keep me accountable, and I will do the same for you.


Thanks for joining the conversation!