Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Moving Day...

So we have just concluded our first 24 hours in our new home with Josh's parents. Thank you for praying for this huge transition in our lives! Our packing went very smoothly, with everything unloaded here by 1pm, Monday! We had help from Josh's brother, Dave, and his friend Nick and our buddy from youth group, Michael. And then when we got to the Hallahan's- Doug, Brandon and Lindsay were here to help unload. The boys were happy to be reunited with the toys we moved here on Sunday, and so that was a blessing!

As a concerned mama, I pictured us walking through each room of our old house saying goodbye, and being a bit teary pulling away from the only home we've ever known as a family. But when I told Caleb it was time to say goodbye to our house, he said, "Bye house" and was out the door in a flash! God is good.

So far we have our living room unpacked and situated, and our bedrooms sleep-able, Josh got all his clothes unpacked today, and we even have pictures hanging on the walls in the living room! The boys and I have come down with my predictable cold that accompanies all major transitions of life (I remember always getting sick at the end of a semester at college), and Seth was up every two hours last night- but other than that, we're feeling good. I don't know if it's going to sneak up on me, and I'll be overwhelmed with emotions some time soon, or if my husband, and in-laws are just that great and have taken good care of me- but for now I am praising Jesus for His hand upon us and His tender love for me.

It is definitely an adjustment, living with four generations under one roof... but as we strive to live in biblical community I know the Lord will be glorified and will bless our relationships!

Please continue to pray for us:

- that Seth would adjust quickly, and learn to sleep through the night (Caleb and Seth are sharing a room now, which complicates things).
- that Caleb would adjust well to living with lots of grown-ups (and that we would be clear on our expectations of him)
- that we would find a place for all of the things we've brought with us
- that we would consider one another ahead of ourselves
- that Josh and I would learn how to best guard our marriage in this new situation
- that Seth's birthday party on Saturday would come together and be a fun celebration of his life
- that Josh's parents and grandmother and brother would adjust easily to four more people in the house (two of whom are boisterous boys!)
- that God would be glorified in each relationship

Thanks for walking with us into this new season of life and ministry!

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