Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Harvest Time

Ann, from a holy experience, gave a hard challenge to us as a closing gift to the Candle in the Corner giveaway! The giveaway ends in 7 hours! There is still time to join in and let your little light shine!

As we close this chapter on prayer and begin to explore the World Go! chapter on witnessing- I'd like to ask: "Where is your harvest field?"

Be praying about that- where does God want you to focus your efforts in prayer? Who are the specific missionaries He has laid on your heart? What region of the world really gets you excited or lays heavy on your heart? And what local missions do you need to be interceding for??

And as you pray about that- also ask God to open your eyes to the witnessing opportunities along your path every day. Your harvest field is wherever your two feet land- for me right now, it's my home and my boys. Am I truly being Jesus to them at all times? Or your place of work? Or your children's school? Or your neighborhood? Ask God for one or two specific people He wants you to reach out to- and then ask for the courage to share His love!

This week, read the chapter on witnessing in the World Go! Manual. If you haven't downloaded it yet, you can get it here and join us on this missions journey!

**Stay tuned for some brief closing thoughts on prayer in a video blog soon!**

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