I had the privilege to share an update and challenge at Clarksboro Evangelical this past Sunday- and I was challenged myself. It is amazing how God puts a word in my mouth to be given to His people- and in turn, I am convicted.
It is at this point in the Easter story that Jesus does battle with Satan- it is the fight of my will or God's will- a battle we fight daily! And I think we would be wise to see that there is a spiritual battle going on around us all the time. As you can read from previous posts, Uganda is in the heat of this spiritual attack.
- Heritage International School needs prayer for God to cut through some red tape!
- All the WGM vehicles need work
- A lot of missionaries are raising funds- and need God to provide!
- We, personally, are battling illness after illness, preventing our effective service.
- Billy and Jo Coppedge are in the midst of raising funds, and walking with Jo's mom as she battles cancer.
And this is where my conviction came in. We need to be fighting this battle in the spiritual realm- and yet Josh and I fail to take time each day to pray together. We ask your forgiveness for asking you to pray when we aren't always faithful to pray.
But what encourages and challenges me, is that even Jesus' dearest disciples fell asleep when He needed them most. We are in good company, and there is grace and strength for us when we fail our precious Lord. So even if you haven't been praying faithfully- we need you to start! And even when we forget- we can start again when He brings it to mind!
- that we would reach 50% by the end of the month
- and that God would provide 10%/month through August so we can be at Heritage when school starts!
- that we would stay healthy (i think we're all healthy at the moment!!! Praise Him!)
- that God would open doors for us to share our passion for Uganda and all that He is doing there
- and that we would be faithful to meeting Him daily in fervent intercession (and faithful to model healthy prayer with our boys)
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