Friday, April 23, 2010

the living God...

"By this you shall know that the living God is among you, and that He will without fail (drive out your enemies before you)" -Joshua 3:10

Do you really know that the living God is among you??

Do you acknowledge the presence of the holy in your daily life??

Are you aware of the divine in the midst of the mundane??

If we truly lived in light of His presence- the presence of the living God, the Lord of all the earth, creator of heaven and earth, the ALMIGHTY- we would constantly be in worship, our lives would sing to Him at all times, our prayer life would be unceasing.

I don't even know how to communicate what He is doing in my spirit lately- but I feel as though I am merely dancing around the edges of immensity, dipping my toes into His marvelous depths, on the precipice of something HUGE... stay tuned... "Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." -Joshua 3:5

I do know this. He never fails.

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