How like God to turn a frustrating moment, into a teachable moment. The particular version blaring this morning had a bridge that said "I love my life. I love my life. I love my life" And it's true. I love my life. We're living the dream. We're finally here. And so here is the gift list this week:
excerpts of gifts #4718-4758
--this solitary half hour. cup of tea and Your Word.
--the mountains cloaked in fog
--this morning symphony, picturing You, the Great Conductor and Composer- cue birds, now dogs, sun, clouds, hues and rays
--peace and joy, knowing You orchestrate my days
--a new friend- see the story here or here
--a walk for gathering beauty
--just me and my little man
--rosy blossoms, lifting faces to sun
--trumpeting the day- declaring Your glory
--a gorgeous view of Lake Victoria
--the beauty of moms gathering
--a cup of tea and shared stories
--little ones playing happily underfoot.
--bits of chocolate at the corners of his mouth
--a splashy pool in the garden
--what a glorious childhood they're having
--how blessed we are to be raising our family in Africa
What are the blessings in your life today??

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