Friday, June 08, 2012

Friday Five: Prayer Requests

Us and Dave and Leah at our Going Away Party last year
We're flying to Florida today! Josh's brother, Dave, is getting married next Friday and we get to celebrate with the family!  Thank the Lord for tax refunds!

We'll try our best to blog while we're away- but our main goal is to spend lots of time with family and friends on the beach and in the stores :)

Will you pray for us while we're in the states?  Here are our five requests:

  1. Safety and health as we travel.  
  2. That Rachel makes her connecting flight in London (she has 1 hour!!!)
  3. Great memory making days with family and friends.
  4. Getting the things we need, not just being drawn by the allure of things.
  5. Gratitude for the time we're given- both in the states and here in Uganda!
Thank you for carrying us in the happy times and the hard times.  We're grateful.

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