Sunday, October 14, 2012

homemade missions Day #14

"Perichoresis koinonia... Peri, the Greek word for 'around', the root word for perimeter; choreography came from the Greek word choresis, 'to dance'.  The relationship of the Trinity could be described as an eternal holy dance of each Person around and within the others. Koinonia, of course, is 'fellowship'.  These words give us a picture of a divine minuet of love in which the Holy Three step together in unending harmony. 

Hospitality at its most profound state is an invitation to a dance.  In a multitude of ways, we too can say, "Why are you standing outside this lovely dance of community, of connection, and of belonging?  Come.  Come into fellowship, into this human way of reaching out to one another that reflects God's mode of loving in eternal heaven."

An open door.  A table spread with food.  The murmur of people engaged in conversation.  The extended hand.  A smile.  An embrace at meeting.  The loving voice over the phone.  Acceptance into the group.   Tea before the fire.  Coffee brewing in the kitchen.  A filled picnic hamper waiting on the counter.  A note requiring an RSVP.  A chorus of laughter.  An eagerness to meet the stranger.  Belonging.  The smell of well-prepared food.  A warming mug.  Ice in glasses. Friends gladly gathering.  Time for a long talk. 

My desire, for the rest of my days, is to extend this same divine invitation to all whom I meet and greet, to give away the above gifts of hospitality as long as I have breath.  I want to be able to say freely and joyfully, "Won't you come in?  Why don't you join us in the wondrous steps?" -Karen Mains, excerpt from Open Heart, Open Home. 

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