There are 7 adults and 5 small boys living here this week (if my mom had traveled with my grandmother, there would be 4 generations under one roof in Uganda). It's a full house, but I love it! I am tempted to stress and fret, but that is not God's will for me. A recipe for a great week is this:
All I need to do is:
- allow His peace to rule in my heart
- be thankful to Him
- allow His word to dwell in me richly
- sing songs with gratitude towards God
Grateful today for {6883- 6893}:
6883. my grandmother sitting here in my living room in Uganda
6884. my brother and his family here in Kampala
6885. happy little boy voices
6886. my boys running around with their cousins
6887. a cool afternoon rain breezing in
6888. dinner simmering in the crockpot
6889. bread dough rising
6890. Your life rising in me
6891. practical steps I can take to bring you glory and fill my own heart with joy
6892. doing life in community
6893. tree branches as art- bringing Your art into my home

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