Monday, January 07, 2013

My Word for 2013

The past few years I've named each one.  Waiting to hear what He wants to say to me.  And the words "Love" "Beloved" "Live loved" have all been tumbling around in my heart.  And none of them fit just right.  But I've got it!  Live in Love.  Yes, it's three words.  I'm a tad too wordy.  That's just me.  can't just choose one :) 

Live {in love} with Him.
Live in {the} love He has for me.
{Live} in love with those around me. 
fully live.  fully love.
settle down into the love He has for me.
and live like He did:  in love with everyone He met.

I can't wait.  I'm pretty sure it will rock my world.  His love always does. 

grateful today for:

- His great love for me
- His Son, who came for love

- this family we get to serve with here in Uganda
- a retreat together.
- He came as we met together

1 comment:

  1. Love your word! Thanks for sharing! God bless!


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