giving thanks now, for the moments i didn't give thanks for when i was in them:
Roses on Valentine's day, wet from the rain.
little man, happily occupied. even though my kitchen utensils go missing often
getting a nap yesterday, even though it was cut short by screaming boys
your sustaining hand on Seth when he couldn't breathe in the night
sore body after a good work out
coffee after a long night
Valentine's dinner without the boys, even though it was with the youth group from Heritage!
fruit, honey and dates... sweet substitutes during this lenten fast
an ER close by
Jehovah Rapha- the God who heals
Your nearness even when I wander
women who love You and serve You here in Kampala

Hi Kelly :) I am a new reader of yours and fellow sister in Christ. I wanted to email you with a few questions about your ministry in Uganda. I have been looking all over your blog to find your email address and can't find it, do you mind sharing it?! <3