Monday, June 10, 2013

Gratitude Revolution

Jesus is doing some crazy things in my heart these days, it all started at Memorial Day Weekend at Delanco Camp. I've known Him for decades.  But it feels like I am finally learning something so elemental... like I'm tiptoeing into a wide room that I've seen on a map... but now I'm moving in!

"Let Your tender mercies come to me, that I may live..." -Psalm 119:77

I can't live without His tender mercies.  For so long I have been trying to do life in my own strength- I'd do well for awhile and then come running back to Him.  Recently, I've heard Him calling me to abide, to stay with Him... thinking I had to do all the abiding and feeling like a failure.  But He was gently whispering to me this morning, that I am not a failure.  I just haven't been acknowledging how much He is already doing in me.  All these years of being a Christian aren't for nothing.  I am not always back to square one.  I am doing ok most days, because of who He is in me.  I am nothing without Him.  Not only is everything good I have from Him, but everything good I am, and everything good thing I desire are from Him!  He only wants me to acknowledge Him. 

I've been keeping a gratitude journal since August 2009...almost four years... 
I've passed the #7,000 mark... and missed so much...

any sweet response towards my kids or husband... from Him
any good desire... from Him
any pure thought... from Him
any wise decision... from Him
any word aptly spoken... from Him.
every meal cooked with a good attitude... from Him
every kind deed... from Him

It's a gratitude revolution.  I'm pretty sure it's going to change everything!  All really is grace. 

Still counting... in an all new way...

#7248.  new life growing within me (baby due: January 4th!!!!) from You
#7249.  breath from You
#7250.  tender mercies. grace afresh.  from You
#7251.  Your word speaking straight to my heart
#7252.  Your Spirit applying the balm to my wound
#7253.  how You are revolutionizing my gratitude
#7254.  You waking me today
#7255.  all that is good within me- from You
#7256.  any good desire- from You
#7257.  strength for this day- from You
#7258.  a warm greeting to Seth- from You
#7259.  getting his breakfast with a good attitude- from You
#7260.  accomplishing lots of computer work before 10am- from You

**sorry if this is old news and you're shaking your head at me- it's just incredible to me how you can know something for so long, and it means nothing until you experience it for yourself!  living in freedom and gratitude today!**


  1. Amen. God help us if this ever gets "old" for us. There is a woman in her 90's at our church who frequently stands up and shares what new things God has been teaching her through scripture she has read and reread. That's the kind of servant I want to be: One who is humble & therefore teachable & moldable. Thanks for sharing your journey. It really is amazing and humbling to be on this journey that the Lord has set before us no matter where we are taking this spiritual journey in this physical world.

  2. Beautifully written! Die to self, live for Him. I love your gratitude list.

  3. Oh, and congratulations on the blessing of your new little one!

  4. I love your gratitude list. And congratulations on the little one in your belly. As I read about how you struggle at times with living the Christian life in your own strength, I can identify. But the secret is to abide in Christ as you wrote. He provides us with everything we need. His power in us through the Holy Spirit. It really is amazing, isn't it? And then He gets all the glory too. I'm glad I stopped by from Ann's.

    Blessings and love,


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