Tuesday, August 13, 2013


happy boys in the car. such a gift!
We returned from our 4 week road-trip on Friday and the weekend was just as crazy.  But we are settling down into a happy routine and back to "real" school! 

I can't begin to describe the difference in this Homeland Ministry Assignment (HMA) from our first one!  The first time it felt like we were plugging along all the time, just making it happen in our own strength.  But once we got our prayer team in place things began to roll!  This time we began our HMA with an almost full schedule (til Thanksgiving) before we even arrived in America!  We had churches emailing us to ask for dates, instead of pulling teeth to get into a church!

All the glory goes to Jesus- He is really making a way for us!  And a big thank you goes to our prayer team- you are carrying us and we feel it!   That is the only way to describe how I feel these days: carried.  And I am grateful. 

gifts because you prayed...

7300.  safety on the roads
7301.  health. the whole trip.
7302.  great training and fellowship with teammates at HQ
7303.  open homes of friends

7304.  new friends and toys everywhere we go
7305.  You. everlasting God.
7306.  Your promise of eagles' wings
7307.  the prayers of Your people.

7308.  solid teaching from Your word. every. day.
7309.  Caleb's daughter. Achsah.  teaching me to ASK LARGELY!
7310.  impossible means nothing to You.
7311.  I can trust You.

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