Monday, September 09, 2013

feeling like Jacob...

after he wrestled with God.  i have been wrestling with God, begging Him to teach me how to abide... longing to stay aware of Him throughout the day...  funny how the answer to my prayer is pain.  but it does certainly feel like He wrenched my hip out of socket... it is a constant reminder these days...

i am completely aware that aches and pains come with the territory of pregnancy.  i am the first to admit i generally have amazingly easy pregnancies.  this is my one thing.  hip pain.  it has held off until now, but here at 23 weeks it feels like it is settling in to stay.  and  i am grateful. 

#7384.  a wise and caring midwife
#7385.  a strong, fast heartbeat
#7386.  this little girl growing within me
#7387.  women in my life. spiritual midwives
#7388.  a safe place to be weak
#7389.  this limp.
#7390.  a constant reminder of my weakness
#7391.  You, my strength and portion
#7392. awareness of Your nearness
#7393.  Your awesome presence. 
#7394.  how You are transforming me
#7395.  You making beauty from ashes


  1. So beautiful. I love your honesty and your keen eye to see Jesus in all.
    I love you.

  2. Your list is beautiful :-) thanks for stopping by my piece of the blog world, I just had to come find you and see why you were in Africa. I knew it was worth the sacrifice of a pumpkin spiced latte ;-)

  3. Blessings to you and your family - yur "growing" family, it would seem - as you serve our Lord! I am late on the gifts journal train, but am jumping on. Hope to visit again!!

  4. Greetings Kelly! I'm Heather and I have a quick question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com


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