Saturday, September 28, 2013

Currently...{fall 2013}

it has been too long.  so here's to catching up.  saw this post idea here and LOVED it.

Currently listening to: this. a constant reminder of why i live and why i do just about everything.  i've got to have this reminder to keep eternity before me always.  He is Worth It All.
Currently readingHeartfelt Discipline by Clay Clarkson.  it just might be the first book that Josh and I have read together.  and i'm loving it!  a great challenge to walk God's ways alongside our kids. 
Current favorite: s'mores. i had forgotten just how delicious they are. yay for family bonfires in the crisp autumn air. 
Currently waiting for: this sweet baby girl to arrive {due January 4}
Currently trying: to settle on a name for her.  still waiting for that flash of divine inspiration.
Currently working on:  a missions prayer meeting kit!  i'm super excited about this project.  hopefully it will help you gather some friends and pray for the world!

 Currently enjoying: fall. the leaves are starting to turn.  pumpkins are out on doorsteps.  the sky is that super blue that seems to only happen in September.  loving it. 
Currently using: Prayer Notebook app for iPhone.  it is the best $1.99 i've spent in a long time. 
Currently wearing: tall boots.  scarves.  plaid.  have i mentioned how much i love fall?  very happy to be able to wear some cool weather clothing.  and happy that this baby bump will keep me nice and toasty.  my african blood just isn't thick enough!
Currently planning: our six-week road trip!  we leave Wednesday and will be visiting Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Canada {to see this woman!!!!}, and Kentucky.  school is planned.  winter clothes have been found.  snacks still need to be purchased!  Fall Bucket List found!
Currently starting: to wonder if all the things i want to bring back to Uganda are going to fit in our luggage.
Currently preparing: my heart for the Come to the Fire Conference.  are you going?? would love to see you there! and it's FREE!  i've never attended before.  but from what i've heard it's the most spirit-saturated time of worship, teaching, and praying most people ever experience. 
Currently wishing: that all my favorite people around the world could be in one place. but, i guess that's just another {small} reason heaven will be amazing!
Currently doing: my best to live my real life and not just a have a cute online life.  so if you don't see me very active on facebook, this is why.  i'll still be blogging best i can.  and i am trying to set aside one afternoon a week to schedule posts, and then be present in my real life.  i'll be happy to e-mail occasionally, just be aware that if you want a real response, you have to write a real e-mail :) 

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