Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Caleb cooing!!

So our sweet little boy is "talking". He just totally makes me smile! Check out his video on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4IuLZGgzws

I really can't fathom loving anyone as much as I love him! And Josh knows not to take that personally. :)

I am constantly overwhelmed by the depth of love I have for Caleb- and how similar that love is to the love God has for us. And then I am stunned by the depth of HIS love. Who am I that He should love me so? What have I ever done to deserve it? NOTHING! Which is precisely how it is with Caleb. He hasn't done anything "productive" in his whole life... and yet there is this profound love for him that defies logic. AMAZING! Can you tell that I love being a mother?

And of course, a church update, we've recently discovered how much financial difficulty we are truly in... and yet as a Ministry Team we are not going to let satan stop us. We've declared Fridays a day of prayer for Trinity- and we have people signed up to pray 24 hours each Friday until God indicates us to stop. We long for God to do all that He wants to do at Trinity- and so we must wait on Him, claim His promises and stand fast against the attacks of satan. I will keep you posted on the victories as they arise.