Monday, June 04, 2007

Remember the Sabbath

At Delanco last weekend, I taught a class about the Sabbath, and I shared that same lesson with my youth group girls on Wednesday, and then I taught part two at Friday night Bible Study. Needless to say, I felt convicted to actually observe the Sabbath this weekend.

I was reading another blog dedicated to sabbath feasting- it was so interesting! She wrote about how the Jewish culture celebrates the Sabbath from sundown to sundown, and therefore begin the Sabbath with a feast, and then sleep and then worship! What a delightful idea! And so I planned a Sabbath Feast for Saturday night, and it was wonderful! I got to spend lots of quiet time with Jesus on Sunday morning (which is my ideal way to observe the sabbath) because Caleb decided to nap from 9:15-10:40 (church starts at 10). I made it to church in time to partake of communion which was a lovely way to end my quiet time!

There is such richness is discovering our Christian heritage and Sabbath is such a gift to us that we neglect so often! And I was thinking, when I neglect the sabbath, I'm sinning! It is one of the big ten! Wow, not many Christians think about that!

So I would encourage you to think about ways you can observe the Sabbath! There is just one golden rule about the Sabbath: cease from that which is necessary, and embrace that which gives life!

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