Thank you for praying! The boys are napping well right now... I didn't think I'd get another chance to blog again this week! As I have been praying about our finances Jesus has broken it down for me and given me some concrete numbers to pray for. We want to be up front with you- and we want you to pray specifically with us. And also ask Jesus how He might be asking you to be part of the answer to our prayers.
We currently have 37.8% of our monthly pledges (we're praying to be at 50% by the end of the year), and 27% of our one time gifts. We have 5 churches and 46 individuals who are pledging financial support.
We are praying for at least 5 more churches who are willing to put us in their missions budgets.
We are asking Jesus to fill our schedule for January- March (currently we have 2 open Sundays in Jan, two in Feb and 3 in March). See our calendar at the very bottom of this blog for specific dates.
We are also praying for 240 individuals who are called to give financially on a monthly basis. We are asking Jesus for:
5 people (or churches) @ $100/month
15 people (or churches) @ $50/month
50 people (or churches) @ $25/month
75 people (or churches) @ $15/month
100 people (or churches) @ $5/month
**We've been studying prayer in the World Go! Manual. And as you know our need for prayer is great! Stay tuned for other ways to partner with us!
Thanks for sharing. I will be praying!