So, would you consider joining us in fasting each Thursday until we leave for Uganda? Or perhaps another day, if Thursday won't work for you? We want to demonstrate to God that we're serious about getting to Uganda. We want to pray big, bold prayers and we want our fasting to declare that we will sacrifice something necessary for our very life in order to see His will done in our lives.
As I was spending time with Jesus today, He was gentle and yet firm about this call to fasting. He convicted me of my half-hearted prayers and my unbelief that He actually will answer when I cry out to Him.
"cry mightily to God, yes let everyone turn from his evil way... who can tell if God will turn and relent... Then God saw their works that they turned from their evil way; and God relented... and did not do it..." -Jonah 3:8-10
"The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." -James 5:16
If we cry out fervently... He will hear and answer! Do you really believe that? Do I? Let's rally together with fasting and prayer and watch and see what God will do!
**Fast Thursday: Pray with us that the seeds we've planted this year will come to fruition. That people who have heard God's vision for Uganda would join our team in a practical way.
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