#2600. new pledge!
#2601. packing for a road-trip in the fall
#2602. snuggly boy
#2603. sunrise to our backs
#2604. autumn brilliance. a tapestry of light and color.
#2605. fingers intertwined. in this together.
#2606. Toy Story 3
#2607. happy little travelers.
#2608. late lunch. "down home cookin'" at Cracker Barrel
#2609. safety on the roads
#2610. Your presence leading us, though we can't see what's ahead.
#2611. Josh's diligent and faithful driving
#2612. reunion of dear friends.
#2613. a cozy, welcoming home
#2615. seeing good friends happily married.
#2616. Your Church.
#2617. fellowship of Your people.
#2618. freedom to worship You
#2619. my debt is paid! Jesus paid it all!
#2620. Your body, broken for me.
#2621. Your blood, spilled for me.
#2622. gathered around this table. hand in hand.
#2623. prayers of the saints
#2624. strength and refreshment as we wait on You.

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