Friday, March 11, 2011

Prayer Guide: Government

As we lift up the country of Uganda, we're starting at the top- with the government.  As you are well aware- the government is still in the midst of the election process.

Presidential elections were held in February, and President Museveni was re-elected.  Mayoral elections were postponed.  They are likely to happen soon- so please pray for peace in Uganda. 

Here are some prayer points as you pray for the leaders of Uganda- or any country that is on your heart:

That they would love the truth

That they would have wisdom

That they would display courage and integrity

That they would be sharp in insight and quick in discernment

That they would surround themselves with good staff members and advisers

That they would enjoy God's protection over themselves and their families as they submit to His authority

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Worlds collide! I just found your blog through a comment you left on Tsh's "Called to the Crazy" post.
    I read that you're leaving very soon for Uganda and that you have a three year old and a four year old boy.
    Well, we are moving to Uganda (Kampala) in August and my boys will be 2 yrs and almost 4 years by the time we get there!
    Love this.
    I'll definitely be checking in with your blog. :)


Thanks for joining the conversation!