Monday, January 30, 2012

Tuesdays With...

visitors (or customers, as Seth calls them)!

international living.  there are so many "hellos" and "goodbyes".  people come and go so frequently.  but one of the sweet gifts Jesus gives is reunion!  this weekend we got to see one of my fellow volunteers from back in 2002!  Stew and I were Volunteers In Action (VIA) in the fall of 2002. 

Stew was here in Uganda on a short-term trip with his church outside the city, but was able to come out for dinner so we could catch up!  such a happy addition to our weekend!  it is neat introducing an old friend to my family.  the boys enjoyed showing "Mr Stew" their toys and DVDs.  and we enjoyed dinner at a local restaurant reminiscing about old times and funny stories.

we would love to introduce you to our lovely home and chat over dinner with you!  when are you coming to visit??  Click HERE to find out how you can volunteer with WGM or bring a team!


  1. It was truly a blessing to be able to get to see you and Josh and meet your boys! Thanks again for everything!

  2. Love this! I'm hoping over to check it out. Thanks for stopping by yesterday. Blessings.


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