Monday, October 07, 2013

Gratitude on the Road

Gratitude receives everything as a gift.  Our first week on the road is well underway, and going great!  But if it hadn't been going well, there would still be things to be thankful for.  And that makes all the difference!  It doesn't hurt that we are traveling through beautiful country during my favorite time of year.  I hope you don't get tired of my autumnal photographs.

my list in snapshots this week


1 comment:

  1. Your photos are awesome! I love your topic for #31Days, also. Roadtrips, especially with my kids, are one of my favorite activities. Looks like you and your kids are getting into a lot of cool things - a lot to be grateful for, right? No matter WHAT the circumstance.

    Its great to "meet" you!


    #148 on the Personal Endeavors board


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