Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Dare You...

out of focus.  it's blurry around here.  And while we completely enjoyed every second of our lazy Christmas break, we're heading back to the real world that rushes by fast!  And I don't want to miss it.  I want to enter in.  And He is helping me!  I'm accepting His invitation and He is showing up!

And Ann's Joy Dare, came at just the right moment.  I've been counting for years (plural) now, and had fallen in a rut.  This Joy Dare is like a spark to my gift-seeking- like a little kid on a treasure hunt- I'm on a mission!  And it is glorious! And I'm not alone- there are hundreds who have signed up on Ann's blog, and my very own husband has taken the dare (he can't say no to a dare :) ).  Hopefully he will post about that soon!

seeking the Joy-Giver everyday (excerpts from gifts #5336- #5371 ):

-- a lazy Saturday morning
-- glorious fort inspiration
-- tucked into our own fort reading The Magic Faraway Tree together

-- finding a quiet spot in church
-- light reflecting from edge of communion cup- light and life- swallowed down and making me whole
-- "there is no shadow in Your presence"
-- a sudden break in the clouds- light that caught me and warmed me
-- light and dark skin tones... He loves all the children of the world!

-- a new house guest til Monday
-- a true champion of missions!
-- a man wholly available
-- sitting down to breakfast with Matt
-- a gift that is sour: Monday came too quick- goodbyes- sad little boy weeping in my arms

--a gift that is sweet: the last pot of Hazelnut Coffee from Jo Coppedge

-- a gift that's just.right:  sitting on our balcony overlooking the city, tee shirt and flip flops in January. I was made to be a missionary in Africa!

-- Gloria cooking Ugandan food for us.
-- 3 things that are yellow: golden evening sun pouring in the backdoor
-- lemonade on a warm afternoon
-- happy yellow flowering tree on the edge of the hill

Today's dare:
something above you, 
something below you,
something beside you
what are you thankful for?

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