So many things to be thankful for on this first day of school:
#6707. our team gathered around our kids
#6708. surrounding them with love and prayers
#6709. sending them out to be lights
#6710. a Christian international school (click HERE and HERE for prayer guides for HIS)
#6711. brother love
#6712. the excitement and anxiety of the first day
#6713. the peace in letting them go with Him
#6714. freshly sharpened pencils
#6715. brilliant colors.
#6716. new school supplies
#6718. his own desk
#6719. his eagerness to learn
#6720. Five day Junior Kindergarten
#6721. new toys to explore
#6722. how he easily he makes friends
#6723. the broad expanse of a morning to myself
#6724. finding my own rhythm of the work day
#6725. stillness and a cup of coffee.

Doesn't that first day brings tears to your eyes? I cried happy/sad tears when mine started kindergarten. Oh how fast they grow! Enjoy your newfound free time:) Visiting from